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Showing posts with label Espgaluda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Espgaluda. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Espgaluda Arrange 104M

Finally broke 100M in Espgaluda Arrange today, which is a big up from my last score (64M). Takes me about 20 minutes of warmup before I'm comfortable with the 4 button layout.

DJK. - 104,364,082 - 4 - Black (Arrange)

Friday, June 15, 2007

ESPGaluda 1CC

Finally! I 1CC'd (one credit completed) ESPGaluda tonight. For one of Cave's reportedly "easeist shmup", it took me about two months of playing it seriously, around 3 times a week, to complete with a single quarter run. I'm fairly sure I was able to 1-ALL DoDonPachi faster than this. Anyway, now I'll have no guilty conscience moving onto ESPGaluda II.

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My final score was 35,219,710 using Ageha.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Icycalm has been on a role recently, now with a writeup (here) of another Cave fan favorite ESPGaluda. Warning, this review assumes you have prior knowlege of Cave's earlier work, especially ESP Ra. De, which ESPGaluda is loosely based off of. It also goes into detail on the play mechanics which can be pretty deep/complex.

I hope he doesn't mind, but I've blatenly stolen his banner, as a tribute to this awsome arcade game (which I do have in my collection). I'll put back my banner in a week or two. :-)